


[关键词]益气活血方; 心肌细胞; 氧化应激; MDA; SOD

[Abstract]This research firstly establishes the oxidative damage model of H9c2 induced by H2O2 and screens the concentration range of intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula which possess external myocardium protection function. Then, the thesis chooses 4 dosages to conduct experiments:examining the protection function of intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula on H9c2 to provide reference for clinical prevention and curing of relative heart diseases of oxidative stress injury; as well as examining the H9c2 cardiac muscle cell vigour, cellular morphology, SOD, MDA and other indexes to primarily evaluate and discuss the functional mechanism of intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula. The results show that the intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula has relatively better protection function toward the H9c2 cardiac muscle cell damage induced by H2O2 and presents concentration dependency to some extent. The intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula can increase SOD vigour, and decrease MDA emission, thus decreasing the formation of abnormal cell and strengthening the oxidation resistance of cardiac muscle cell. The intestines absorption liquid of Qi benefiting and blood circulation activating formula has protection function to some extent.

[Key words]supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation; myocardial cells; oxidative stress; MDA; SOD


冠心病(coronary heart disease,CHD)是指冠状动脉粥样硬化使管腔狭窄或阻塞,或/和冠状动脉痉挛导致心肌缺血缺氧而引起的心脏病,又称缺血性心脏病(IHD)。中医无“冠心病”病名,根据其临床致病特点,在辩证上应属于中医学所指的“胸痹心痛”等范畴。如《素问·痹论》有言:“心痹者,脉不通,烦则心下鼓,暴上气而喘。”在冠心病中医诊疗研究中,冠心病多为本虚标实之症,因气虚血瘀、心脉痹阻而发病。治疗上多以益气、活血及益气活血之法。张珍玉教授在60余年的临床实践中,总结出益气活血是治疗冠心病的重要法则,所用经验方益气活血方(人参、黄芪、丹参、川芎)为基本方,临床随证加减,该方以益气养心为主,兼以活血通脉,组方精炼,对于冠心病患者疗效显著。本课题选取益气活血方为考察对象,研究其对气虚血瘀型冠心病细胞层面的防治作用,以期为临床防治气虚血瘀型心脏病及后期机制研究提供参考。