



[Abstract]Salvia miltiorrhiza is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is widely used as a clinically medication for its efficiency in treating cardiovascular disease Due to TCM is a comprehensive system, the mechanism of S miltiorrhiza treating cardiovascular disease through integrated multiple pathways are still unclear in some aspects With the rapid progress of bioinformatics and systems biology, network pharmacology is considered as a promising approach toward reveal the underlying complex relationship between an herb and the disease In order to discover the mechanism of S miltiorrhiza treating cardiovascular disease systematically, we use the auxiliary mechanism elucidation system for Chinese medicine, built up a molecule interaction network on the active component targets of S miltiorrhiza and the therapeutic targets of cardiovascular disease to offer an opportunity for deep understanding the mechanism of S miltiorrhiza treating cardiovascular disease from the perspective of network pharmacology The results showed that S miltiorrhiza treating cardiovascular disease through ten pathways as follows: improve lipid metabolism, antiinflammation, regulate blood pressure, negatively regulates blood coagulation factor and antithrombotic, regulate cell proliferation, antistress injury, promoting angiogenesis, inhibited apoptosis, adjust vascular systolic and diastolic, promoting wound repair The results of this paper provide theoretical guidance for the development of new drugs to treat cardiovascular disease and the discovery of new drugs through component compatibility

[Key words]Salvia miltiorrhiza; cardiovascular disease; mechanism; entity grammar systems; auxiliary mechanism elucidation system for Chinese medicine; tanshinone ⅡA

丹参为唇形科鼠尾属植物丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge的干燥根及根茎,始载于《神农本草经》,被列为上品,其味苦,性微寒,归心、肝经,具有活血调经、凉血消痈、养血安神、祛瘀止痛、清心除烦等功效[1]。丹参是我国常用传统中药,具有重要的药用价值,是临床上常用的活血化瘀要药,有“一味丹参,功同四物”的说法[2]。据现代药理研究表明,丹参具有非常广泛的生物学活性,但在药理方面主要是以改善微循环、扩张血管、防治动脉粥样硬化为主,在临床上被广泛地用于心血管疾病的治疗[3]。目前临床治疗心血管疾病常用的的复方制剂如复方丹参片、冠心丹参滴丸、复方丹参滴丸、香丹注射液、丹参注射液等,也都以丹参为主要成分。
