
摘 要:文章通过深度访谈41位1977年高考恢复后至今進入图书馆学专业的考生的志愿选择经历,可以发现不同时期图书馆职业的社会声望。研究发现:(1)图书馆学专业在九十年代从“热门”变“冷门”;(2)图书馆学学生择业态度在九十年代发生转变,在此之前,他们希望进入图书馆工作,此后的学生认为毕业后不一定从事图书馆工作;(3)图书馆员的社会声望受国家政策、图书馆行业政策与社会经济环境的影响。这提示我们图书馆职业的社会认可程度不仅受行业自身的发展情况影响,更离不开时代与政治社会经济环境的制约。因此,应紧抓当前良好的政策与社会环境机遇,将图书馆事业发展到新的高度。


中图分类号:G251.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2018027

Librarian"s Prestige Change: Perspectives from Candidates of College Entrance examination

Abstract The low social prestige of librarian profession is not only caused by its own reasons of librarianship, but also influenced by the political, economic and social backgrounds of different eras. Through in-depth interviews, this study investigated the candidates" profession choice experience since the college entrance examination recovery in 1977, and obtained the social prestige of library profession during different periods. The study found that: first, the popularity of library science cooled in the 1990s. Second, In the 1990s, the students" attitude to choosing a career changed. Before that, they wanted to work in the library, but after that, students thought that they would not necessarily work in the library after graduation. Third, the social prestige of the librarian is influenced by national policies, library industry policies and social and economic environment. This suggests that the social recognition of library profession is not only influenced by the development of the industry itself, but also the restriction of eras and social and political economy. Therefore, we should grasp the current policy and social environment opportunities, and strive to develop the library career to a new height.

Key words librarian; social prestige; social status; college entrance examination

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